Why Following The Moon Changed My Life


Attract magic & start living in effortless flow

Are you feeling disconnected from yourself and the natural rhythm of life?

Do you sometimes feel like swimming upstream and pushing against your natural energy? Do you feel like you’re working so hard and frustratingly little comes from it?

Before I started working with the moon I was definitely feeling this. In our culture of 9-5 jobs we are taught that we’re supposed to be equally productive every day. But living like this actually leaves you feeling exhausted and drained... have you experienced this?

When I learned to follow the lunar cycle I became more aware of the rhythms of nature and that there is a right timing for everything. There are times to initiate and there are times to rest. Instead of swimming against the natural flow we can learn to move with it in an intelligent way to feel more nourished.

How to invite more ease and flow into your life

Like the tides of the oceans we experience a natural rise and fall of energy each month as the moon waxes and wanes.

Everything in nature follows a continuous rhythm of expansion and contraction. Everything grows, reaches a peak and then dissolves again. 

Each cycle has a beginning, middle and end – before it starts all over again.

Think about your breath, the tides of the ocean, the seasons of the year, the cycle of the day, a woman’s period, the cycle of our lives.


The main phases of the lunar cycle

The name month actually stems from the 29.5-day cycle of the moon, also known as a lunation.

Waxing phase:
two weeks in which the moon grows to fullness

  • New Moon: the beginning of the cycle

  • First Quarter: half moon in the waxing phase

  • Full Moon: the peak of the cycle

Waning phase: two weeks in which the moon dissolves back into emptiness

  • Last Quarter: half moon in the waning phase

  • Dark Moon: the ending of the cycle


Align yourself to feel in harmony with your body and nature

When we become more aware of the natural rise and fall of energy each month we can live more intelligently and in tune. Instead of pushing ourselves all the time we can learn to flow with our fluctuating energy levels. 

Nature doesn’t move in a linear way - by learning to slow down and nourish ourselves when the natural energy is low at the end of the cycle we will actually speed up afterwards. Instead of feeling depleted we can then get more done in less time.

The secret is that when you align your life with the natural waves of energy you will create way more, way faster – and with less effort. 


 Watch this video to dive deeper:


So how do you follow each phase and set your New Moon intentions?

I’m excited to teach about this and take us on a magical journey in my Lunar Cycle Course in July!

Join me for this weekly course to learn how to live in sync with the lunar cycle – to embody the feminine lunar energy, reconnect to your intuition and start living in a state of flow.

Find out more and book your spot here.

Learn powerful new moon rituals and how to manifest with the moon

Each New Moon you have an opportunity to set your intentions and start consciously manifesting your desires. This is such a powerful way to change your life and attract what you want.

Would you like to learn more and dive deeper?

My online course Manifest with the Moon is a 4-week journey to sync your life to the lunar cycle – and start manifesting your dreams in effortless flow!

I hope this helps understand better why it’s so powerful to align yourself with the cycle of the moon.

Share your insights and how you can apply them in the comments!

Lunar love,


Raise your energy & come back into the flow with this powerful meditation… whenever you need.



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