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New Moon in Pisces – Moon Tribe Circle

New Moon in Pisces

Set your intentions in our New Moon Circle…

On Monday 20th February the new moon falls into the last sign of Pisces. Ruled by the planet Neptune, which guides our spiritual evolution, Pisces is a water sign that is fluid, emotional and intuitive.

With Pisces season from the 19th February we are moving into the last of the 12 signs of the zodiac, completing the Astrological cycle of the year. Therefore Pisces is understood to be the oldest of the signs, that has ‘seen and done it all’. It is less concerned with this physical world and more connected with the mystical and spiritual realms.

Pisces energy allows us to dive into the subconscious, as we are more open to tune into dreams, visions and connect to our Higher Self. It is a powerful time for healing and also to work with facing and releasing our fears.

The new moon in Pisces is a powerful time to activate our intuition and our ability to connect to the world beyond our five senses. Spiritual practice, yoga and meditation are highly recommended with this cosmic new moon.

Remember to set your intentions under this mystical new moon!

Moon Tribe Circle

We’re gathering again with our cosmic sisterhood for a New Moon Circle under the New Moon in Pisces!

Join us as we come together with like-minded women to share, support each other and set our intentions in a powerful New Moon meditation.

Set your intentions in our New Moon Circle

Join Simona in this online circle to learn how to follow the lunar cycle and work with it to start consciously creating your life.

With each New Moon, we have the opportunity to start fresh and become clear about our focus and direction as we move into a new beginning. The energy level is at the lowest of the month – making this a time to slow down, turn inwards, and reflect. As the moon is being reborn out of the darkness we can plant the seeds of our intentions for the new cycle ahead. 

We’ll come together to tune into the lunar energy, share and connect with our conscious community. Simona will guide us through powerful practices and support you to connect to your inner guidance, before we set our intentions in a beautiful New Moon meditation. 

Book your spot
Find out more and sign up here to join us.

Date & Time
Monday 20th February
19.00–21.00 (CET)

Bring your journal and a pen.

3 February

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22 March

New Moon in Aries – Moon Tribe Circle