How to invite more love, truth and authenticity into your relationships


Communicate more consciously with these 5 principles

On a deeper level we all want to feel loved, understood and connected right? 

As human beings we all crave for a feeling of trust and intimacy with the people in our lives we care about.

Yet in reality our relationships, whether with family, friends or colleagues, can also challenge us on a deep level. They might trigger unconscious behaviours, old wounds or parts of us that we don’t want to look at. We are not always able to show up how we would like to – especially with the people we are closest to and care about the most.

Is this something you recognise?

That’s why I’ve become fascinated with Conscious Communication and practices such as Authentic Relating and Circling. They can help us see our communication patterns more clearly and choose to show up in new ways.

When we learn to communicate more consciously we become able to shift old ways of behaving and develop tools to show up in relationships that are more conscious and aware. Instead of running on autopilot in old, outdated programs we have a choice how we want to engage in relationship to each other.

Choosing consciously how to respond

For me this takes our spiritual practice to the next level – and directly into our lives. 

The awareness we gain through practices such as yoga and meditation, allows us to see ourselves more clearly and most importantly it gives us a choice. Instead of reacting immediately we become able to observe ourselves and the situation. Through this space we can find a tiny gap before we respond. A moment to take a breath. A split-second to choose how to answer - which can make all the difference.  

Through our spiritual practices we also start opening our hearts, feel more deeply connected to all of life and become more compassionate with others. This allows us to communicate in new ways, listen more deeply and honour our own truth.

From a spiritual perspective all relationships are teaching us

Each and every person we encounter in our lives has a purpose. No one in your life is random. 

This is a powerful understanding. From this perspective, can you see everyone as your teacher? Whatever might come up, can you ask yourself: What is this teaching me?

And equally – you are also here to teach and share your unique truth with everyone you encounter!

So how can we express our truth and be authentic in our relationships? 

Often we hold back and don’t share what we really think or feel for a variety of reasons. We might not want to admit to ourselves what we really feel, or we don’t want to hurt someone else or threaten the relationship.

But actually speaking our truth, expressing our needs and boundaries is important to truly honour ourselves. Our ability to take care of ourselves also creates more trust with others. When we are able to express ourselves with clarity and kindness, when we open up and show ourselves more vulnerably and real the other person will actually feel more connected to us. Instead of threatening the relationship as we fear, our bond becomes deeper and more intimate. 

Ready to learn more? Watch this video that I created for you:



  1. Welcome everything

  2. Assume nothing

  3. Reveal your experience

  4. Own your experience

  5. Honour Self, Honour Other

These are the powerful principles of Authentic Relating and also used in the practice of Circling. They bring so much more awareness into the way we show up in relation to others and can be real game changers for our communication. 

Inviting deeper intimacy

So the way to create more intimacy in our relationships is through sharing our truth with love, revealing how we feel as well as listening to the other person share their experience with full presence. Honouring ourselves and honouring each other.

I hope this has given you new insights and curiosity to explore these techniques and practices in your life?

Would love to hear your thoughts… please share in the comments!

And if you would like to dive deeper into these powerful tools and practices join me on Saturday 30th May for my workshop Conscious Connecting at Delight Yoga. Book your spot here!

Much love,



Raise your energy & come back into the flow with this powerful meditation… whenever you need.



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